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The choice of Nervi
The first travelers came at Nervi attracted by the beauty of the place, rustic and romantic at the same time. They come from Genoa, then easily accessible by sea from France through the western Ligurian or from Switzerland with laborious journeys into the carriage.
During his stay in Genoa Nervi visit Lord Byron in the company of Lady Blessington to see the sea (1823). Jules Michelet stays a few months in Nervi to restore health (1853/54).
After the British and French, the Germans arrived who fall in love with this strange land suspended between the sea and hills. They are also from the west but mostly by train from the new rail crossing.
The construction of the railway (Turin-Genoa 1854) and the station Nervi (1868) greatly facilitates the journey that becomes available to everyone, even the sick.
In the winter of 1874-1875, the Tsarina Maria Alekansdrovna, wife of Emperor Alexander II, stays Sanremo to cure her son Nicholas. And Riviere open to the Russians, aristocrats and beyond. Exiles, anarchists, ordinary people in need of treatment and rest.

There are places that leave a deep mark in their time, places that particular fate for the men and women who have been kept for many different reasons, are known by all.
Some of them become famous and frequented by people who have special interests, people who for their needs or their desires contribute to the change even beyond the will of the people.
Over time and with changing situations, this reputation also decreases but at times leaves something important and often that something is still capable of stimulating our imagination making us relive a life of another era.
As we know every place of living memory that over time have been passed down through the accounts of previous visitors.
Everything here is told there is now largely only in the pages of old books and is reflected in yellowing photographs of places or people that have disappeared long ago.
It is said that the workplace, even if distorted human greed and ignorance, remain the same, but sometimes one wonders if the people above are really existed. Could it be that still exist only because we are able to imagine life in a world that no longer exists?
At the end of 19th century Nervi is described in the most important international guides (Baedeker, Bradshaw, etc..) as an ideal winter holiday.
The benefits that can be drawn carefully listed. Famous Russian and German doctors open clinics and clinics. The name of Nervi is known mainly in Germany and Eastern Europe.
Writers, poets, artists and ordinary people come in the hope to regain health of body and serenity of spirit in a place that seems to be the focus of natural beauty, a place that nourishes the hope of Nervi is now all that can making a pleasant stay.
Language teachers, music, studies in painting and photography, exchange offices, pharmacies, Italians, Germans and Russians doctors, dentists, massage therapists, fashion atelier, cafes, restaurants, pubs, Catholics, Protestants and Anglicans religious services, bookstores, newspapers , festivals, music and dancing.
The connections with Genoa are fast using, electric trams Express trains provide convenient and safe travel for the major Italian cities and abroad.
Foto Mola, 1890
Russi nel giardino della Pension Russe - 1903
La passeggiata a mare
Foto A. Mola 1897
Parco Culturale
di Nervi
Reynaud's Illustrated Guide
Saison 1899-1900