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Nervi (1875)
Nervi, to the east of Genoa, is likewise a favourite place of resort, on account of its clear sky and pure atmosphere.
On the Riviera di Levante town joins town like pearls in a necklace. Albaro,
with its charming mansion. Quarto, whence departed the expedition which took Sicily from the Bourbons, and Nervi, a health resort for persons suffering from pulmonary diseases, constitute a long-stretching suburb of Genoa, extending in the direction of Recco and Camogli, two towns abounding in shipping.
The earth and its inhabitants 1875 (?), Vol. 1 Southern Europe
The Universal Geography, by Klisee Reclus
Edited by E. G. Ravenstein, F.R.G.S., F.S.S., Etc.
LONDON, J. S. VIRTUE & CO., Limited, 294, CITY ROAD
Nervi (1885)
The best winter stations on the Italian Riviera are, with the exception of Bordighera and S. Remo, those situated between Nervi and Rapallo. The coast is exceedingly picturesque and sheltered from the N. winds by precipitous mountains, covered at the base with vineyards, orange and lemon trees, and on the higher zones with olive, peach, and fig trees.
NERVI, pop. 8000. *H. et P. Anglais, E. from the station, with large garden, 8 to 15 frs. H. et P. Victoria, on the W. side of station, 9 to 12 frs. On the face of the mountain, about 100 ft. above the H. et P. Anglais, the *H. et P. Belle-Vue, 8 to 9 frs., including wine; admirably situated.
In the Piazza, near the station, and at the terminus of the Genoa and Nervi trams, is the *P. Suisse, 6 to 8 frs. Opposite, the H. et P. Nervi, 9 to 12 frs. English doctors.
Episcopalian service.
Nervi, with the neighbouring town of Bogliasco, forms one continuous narrow street 2 km. long, hemmed in between houses and walls. On the S. side is the sea, on the N. high hills covered with olive trees and studded with churches and cottages.
The South of France-East Half, by Charles Bertram Black (1885)
Nervi 1888
Nervi, Flecken in der ital. Provinz Genua, an der Riviera di Levante, 10 km von Genua, an der Eisenbahnnach Pisa, besuchte Gesundheitsstation, hat schöne Villen, ausgezeichnetes Klima, üppige Vegetation und (1881)2887 Einw., welche Teigwarenfabrikation und Handel mit Südfrüchten betreiben.
Vgl. Thi lenius , Nervi und sein Klima (Wien 1874);
Frühauf , Die klimatischen Winterkurorte Pegli, Arenzano und Nervi (2. Aufl., Leipz. 1886).
Meyers Konversations Lexicon (1888)

Stazione di Nervi
Qui arrivano i viaggiatori e subito trovano da una parte il mare, dall'altra palme e aranci