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by Karl Baedeker
Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, Publisher
London: Dulau and Co., 37 Soho Square, W.
New York: Charles Scribnbr's Sons, 163/167 Fifth Avenue
Nervi - Hotels (with steam - heating and gardens).
Eden Hotel, a large house on the hill above the town, with view and garden stretching to the sea, pens. 18 (L. extra), bath 3
Grand Hotel, in the main street, adjoining the park of Marchese Gropallo, pens. 8-15 (L. extra), omn. 1 fr.;
Hotel Pension Victoria, near the station and the sea, pens.9-14 fr.;
Hotel Savoia, Via Carignano, near the station, pens. 8-12 fr.;
Strand Hotel, in an open situation with fine views, at the W. end of the coast promenade, pens. 8-14 fr.;
Schickert's Park Hotel, at the E. end of the town, with the grounds stretching to the sea (adm. free) and a café restaurant on the terrace over the sea, pens. 8-I2, not for consumptives, quite German.
Hot.Pens. Nervi, pens. 8-10 fr., well fpokeu
Hot. Schweizerhof, Pens. 7-10 fr.; these two in the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, at the corner of the Viale Vittorio Emanuele, leading to the station;
Hot.Pens. Bellevue, Via Belvedere, on the road to Sant’Ilario, with fine view, pens, from 61/3 fr.
Pensions (usually with gardens):
Burgi, next the Villa Gropallo, 7-10 fr., P. Bonera, to the W. of the town, 7-9 fr., both good, P. Villa Frisia, 6^ fr.,
P. Villa Adelaide from 61/2 fr.,
P. la Riviera, these three in the street leading to the station; P. Spendide, Pension de la Ville from 5 fr.,
P. Centrale these three at the W. end of the town, near the Giardino Pubblico;
P. Beau-Site (Italian), Via Serra 18, d^j. 2, D. 3, pens, from 7 fr. 5
P. Sacchetti, near the Eden Hotel, pens, from 6 fr.;
P. Bismark (Villa Natalina),
P. Beau-Bivage (German; 8-9 fr.),
P. Russe these three in the Via Capolungo, at the E. end of the town;
P. Printemps 5-6 fr.
All the hotels and pensions, except Schickerts Park Hotel, Hot. Sweizerhof. P. la Riviera, P. de la Ville, P. Beaurivage and P. Rutsey are closed in summer.
Furnished Apartments (800-1500 fr. for the season) and villas (2500-4000 fr.) are scarce. Agents, Ant. Cerruti, Crovetto, Via del Pozzo 56 and 72.
Restaurants: Ristorante Cristoforo Colombo, Piazza Vitt. Emanuele. -
Cafes. Café del Chiosco, Miramare, both on the Coast Promenade; C. Milano
(also confectioner's. Piazza Vitt. Eman.; G. des Palmiers Via del Pozzo.
Post and Telegraph Office, Via Corvetto 134.
Cabs. per drive in the town 50c., with two horses 1 fr.; at night 1 or * fr. ; per hour, 3,* and 4 fr.
Special tariff for drives beyond the town (to Sant’Ilario, 3 or 4 fr. ; to Genoa, 5 or 51/3 fr.; to Rapallo, 12 or 14 fr. ; to Portofino, 18 or 20 fr.).
Electric Tramway (from the Piazza Vitt. Eman.) to Genoa.
Physicians. Dr. Alexander, Dr. Greger, Dr. Michaelsen, Dr, Jfeukomm,
Dr. Ortenau, Dr. Rhoden. Dr. Schmidt, Dr. Schneegans, Dr. Stifler, Dr. Thomat^
Dr. Weiseenberg.
Dentist. Dr. Ebner, Via del Pozzo 65.
Chemists. Gallo, Via Corvetto 111, near the post-office; Guth, Piazza Belvedere.
English Church Service at the Eden Hotel.
Music, daily at 2.80 p.m. on the Coast Promenade. - Visitors' Tax, * fr. per week. - Enquiry Office (with reading-room), Via Corvetto 94. - Visitors List, Pro-Nervi, twice a month, 25 c.
Vedi altre notizie 1906 (in preparazione)

Parc Hotel 1906
Parco Culturale
di Nervi